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  1. Fears to Fathom: Norwood Hitchhik es el segundo capítulo del juego de terror psicológico más perturbador de los últimos meses y continuación de Home Alone (primer capítulo de la antología).

  2. 31 de jul. de 2023 · Fears to Fathom es un juego gratuito dotado de episodios de terror psicológico. Cada uno de ellos revela una breve historia narrada por aquellos que sobrevivieron.

  3. 2 de feb. de 2024 · Desarrollado desde cero para ser una experiencia inolvidable con un episodio de apertura completamente gratuito, Fears to Fathom: Home Alone representa uno de los videojuegos de terror más efectivos desarrollados en la escena independiente actual.

  4. 14 de jun. de 2023 · En el segundo episodio, Fears to Fathom: Norwood Hitchhike, se juega como la joven de 19 años Holly Gardner. Suele ir a convenciones y hace largos viajes interestatales de ida y vuelta por su cuenta a pesar del posible peligro.

  5. Fears to Fathom : Norwood Hitchhike. In the second episode of Fears to Fathom you play as Holly Gardner, a 19 year old who was driving back home from a gaming convention, as the traffic got horrible she decided to take the long way to avoid the traffic which leads to an unplanned trip to a motel.

  6. Fears to Fathom : Norwood Hitchhike. In the second episode of Fears to Fathom you play as Holly Gardner, a 19 year old who was driving back home from a gaming convention, as the traffic got horrible she decided to take the long way to avoid the traffic which leads to an unplanned trip to a motel.

  7. Fears to Fathom : Norwood Hitchhike. In the second episode of Fears to Fathom you play as Holly Gardner, a 19 year old who was driving back home from a gaming convention, as the traffic got horrible she decided to take the long way to avoid the traffic which leads to an unplanned trip to a motel.