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  1. 22 de sept. de 2023 · Learn about the history and factors of 25 animals that have gone extinct, from the Tasmanian tiger to the baiji. Find out how human activities, natural disasters, diseases, and climate change have contributed to animal extinction.

  2. 5 de feb. de 2019 · Extinction happens when environmental factors or evolutionary problems cause a species to die out. The disappearance of species from Earth is ongoing, and rates have varied over time.

  3. This page features lists of species and organisms that have become extinct. The reasons for extinction range from natural occurrences, such as shifts in the Earth's ecosystem or natural disasters, to human influences on nature by the overuse of natural resources, hunting and destruction of natural habitats.

  4. 1 de jul. de 2019 · Learn about the causes and consequences of the extinction of 100 animal species in historical times, from amphibians to reptiles. See photos and facts of the Passenger Pigeon, the Dodo, the Elephant Bird, and more.

  5. 13 de ene. de 2021 · Dozens of frogs, fish, orchids and other species may have gone extinct due to human activity. Learn about the causes, consequences and conservation efforts for these lost biodiversity.

  6. 20 de feb. de 2023 · Un artículo de National Geographic que repasa las especies que se han extinguido o están al límite de desaparecer por la acción humana. Conoce las causas, las consecuencias y algunos ejemplos de la sexta extinción masiva.

  7. Un animal se considera extinto cuando el último miembro de su especie muere sin dejar otro individuo más en la Tierra. Dentro de las causas de la extinción podemos incluir epidemias, cambios climáticos extremos, pérdida de fuentes de alimento y destrucción de sus hábitats naturales.

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