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  1. Ares era descrito como un hombre alto y musculoso, con una armadura brillante y un yelmo. Se le identificaba con el color rojo, símbolo de la sangre derramada en la guerra. Uno de sus principales atributos era la lanza, que representaba el poder de la guerra y la violencia.

  2. 27 de may. de 2024 · The Ares V’s large payload fairing, measuring 33 feet (10 meters) in diameter and offering a usable volume of 30,400 cubic feet (860 cubic meters), could accommodate next-generation space telescopes far larger than any previously launched.

  3. Come face to face with colossal opponents, learn their patterns to defeat them in battle. Destroy enemies, collect their parts, and then recycle them to make incredible items, including health packs, ammo, and weapon upgrades.

  4. Colossals landmark de-extinction project will be the resurrection of the Woolly Mammoth - or more specifically a cold-resistant elephant with all of the core biological traits of the Woolly Mammoth.

  5. 1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo al coloso. Sin.: hercúleo, titánico, ciclópeo. 2. adj. Enorme, de dimensiones extraordinarias. Sin.: enorme, grande, gigantesco, inmenso, descomunal, mastodóntico, grandioso, monstruoso, atroz, inconmensurable, espantoso, apoteósico, monumental. 3. adj. Bonísimo, extraordinario. Sin.:

  6. 30 de jun. de 2022 · BattleMechs are typically divided into ultralight (below 20 tons), light (20-35 tons), medium (40-55 tons), heavy (60-75 tons), assault (80-100 tons), and superheavy or 'colossal' designs (over 100 tons), regardless of their actual battlefield role.

  7. Ares Games announces a partnership with newly formed Dutch publisher and board game developer Colossus Games to publish and distribute worldwide Mega Empires, a new line of civ-building games.