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  1. Yekaterina Gavrilovna Stravinsky (née Nosenko) (January 25, 1881 – March 2, 1939) was a Russian and French painter and amanuensis who was the cousin and first wife of Igor Stravinsky. Born in Gorval, a village in Minsk Governorate, she spent most of her childhood in Kiev, where her mother died from tuberculosis in 1883.

  2. Desde ese momento y hasta la muerte de Yekaterina (1939) Stravinski llevó una vida doble, invirtiendo parte de su tiempo con su primera familia y el resto con Vera. Yekaterina advirtió la relación y la aceptó como inevitable y permanente.

  3. (17/06/1882 - 06/04/1971) Compositor ruso. Considerado como uno de los compositores más influyentes de la música del siglo XX. Obras: La consagración de la primavera, Petrushka, El pájaro de fuego... Instrumento: Piano. Género: Ópera, sinfonía, música académica, música de cámara. Padres: Fiódor Stravinski y Anna Kholodovsky.

  4. Yekaterina Gavrilovna Stravinsky was a Russian and French painter and amanuensis who was the cousin and first wife of Igor Stravinsky.

  5. Stravinsky met Vera in 1921. She was a dancer and the wife of the painter and stage designer Serge Sudeikin. Stravinsky was then married to his cousin Yekaterina Nosenko and had four children. Stravinsky and Vera began an affair which led to her leaving her husband.

  6. In August 1905, Stravinsky announced his engagement to Yekaterina Nosenko, his first cousin whom he met in 1890 during a family trip. He later recalled: From our first hour together we both seemed to realize that we would one day marry—or so we told each other later.

  7. 22 de ago. de 2021 · A lo largo de los treinta y tres años de vida conyugal con Yekaterina, conoció a quien se considera el verdadero amor de su vida: Vera de Bosset. Aun siendo Stravinski un hombre de familia atento a sus prioridades, mantuvo una relación sentimental con ambas mujeres por un periodo de tiempo corto, hasta la muerte de Yekaterina.