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  1. 18 de feb. de 2023 · Leonardo da Vinci's centuries-old sketches reveal he may have understood key aspects of gravity long before Galileo, Newton and Einstein.

  2. 17 de feb. de 2023 · Now, scientists have discovered that Leonardo did detailed experiments that sought to illuminate the nature of gravity a century before Galileo and some two centuries ahead of Newton’s making ...

  3. The study analyzed diagrams in Leonardo's now-digitized notebooks, including sketches of triangles that show the relationship between natural motion, directed motion, and the equalization of motion – a recognition that gravity is a kind of acceleration.

  4. 16 de feb. de 2023 · A team of engineers studying the 500-year-old, backward writings of Leonardo da Vinci have found evidence that the Italian polymath was working out gravity a century before its foundations were...

  5. 15 de feb. de 2023 · But until Gharib and his team discovered da Vinci’s triangle sketches, no one suspected that the Italian artist may have been the first person to begin decoding the laws of gravity. Through these sketches, Leonardo da Vinci attempted to calculate the movement of falling sand.

  6. Now, scientists have discovered that Leonardo did detailed experiments that sought to illuminate the nature of gravity a century before Galileo and about two centuries before Sir Isaac Newton’s making its investigation an exact science.

  7. 15 de feb. de 2023 · These falling grains depicted experiments to show that gravity was a form of acceleration more than 400 years before Einstein did, a new study argues.