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  1. La ardilla rayada ( Tamias minimus) es una especie de mamífero roedor esciuromorfo de la familia Sciuridae. Es la ardilla más pequeña del género Tamias, y la que está más extendida por Norteamérica, encontrándose desde Baja California, Arizona, Nuevo México y California, en el sur, hasta la Columbia Británica, Yukón y el ...

  2. The least chipmunk (Neotamias minimus) is the smallest species of chipmunk and the most widespread in North America.

  3. Least chipmunks, Tamias minimus, are found throughout North America, occupying much of the Rocky Mountain region and the western Great Plains of the United States. In addition, they are found throughout central and western Canada and in parts of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.

  4. La ardilla rayada ( Tamias minimus) es una especie de mamífero roedor esciuromorfo de la familia Sciuridae. Es la ardilla más pequeña del género Tamias, y la que está más extendida por Norteamérica, encontrándose desde Baja California, Arizona, Nuevo México y California, en el sur, hasta la Columbia Británica, Yukón y el oeste de ...

  5. The least chipmunk (Neotamias minimus) is the smallest species of chipmunk and the most widespread in North America.

  6. 28 de jul. de 2023 · Tamias minimus. The least chipmunk is the smallest and most widespread member of the chipmunk family. The genus Tamias comes from Latin meaning “storer” because of the chipmunk family tendency to stash food for later in midden piles and the species name minimus means it is the smallest member of its family. Size and Description.

  7. Tamias minimus (Least Chipmunk), Glacier National Park, USA. Photograph by Phil Armitage. License: Public Domain. (view image details) LEAST CHIPMUNK FACTS. Description. As the name indicates, the Least Chipmunk is the smallest chipmunk. It has three dark stripes and two light stripes on the face.