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  1. En esta ocasión te damos conocer la similitud entre Margot Robbie y Jaime Pressly. Dicen que en el mundo todos tenemos al menos 7 rostros idénticos, gemelos, doppelgängers o dobles, personas físicamente idénticas.

  2. Revisa el parecido entre Margot Robbie y Jaime Pressly. " El lobo de Wall Street " fue la película con la que Margot Robbie saltó a la fama. En la cinta interpretó a la esposa de...

  3. 4 de dic. de 2023 · Margot Robbie on the Left, Jaime Pressly on the Right. And if these comparison photos have left you confused, there’s proof that they aren’t the same person. In 2017, the two famous actresses finally met each other and were in the same disbelief of their resemblance as we are.

  4. 2 de jul. de 2021 · Hoy no me podrá negar nadie que traemos a las dos actrices con mayor parecido de la actualidad y quizás de toda la historia del cine. Se trata de Jaime Pressly a la que habréis visto seguro, por ejemplo en Me llamo Earl y a Margot Robbie, que saltó a la fama con El Lobo de Wall Street.

  5. Jaime Presley is older than Margot Robbie, this was Jaime Presley very much in her physical prime versus Margot Robbie seven years ago. So based on this comparison, Jaime. Based on Margo versus Jaime now, Margo.

  6. Margot Robbie vs. Jaime Pressly. Margot Robbie won by 65 votes! Results are considered decisive after 72 hours of battle start. I'm ^ a bot. This action was performed automatically. Can't tell who's who. Jaime, for sure. Margot will win because she is more familiar to the younger crowd.

  7. 25 de sept. de 2021 · This two could be practically separated at birth, their faces, their bone structure, and the mannerisms are almost the same. None of them are verified as far as I know. I would say they are both from the Natural Family. Jaime could be FN , while Margot kinda looks SN.