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  1. DyC 132:5. Juan 14:6. 3 Ne. 27:10–11. GEE Matrimonio. Mateo 22:23–33; Mar. 12:18–25; Lucas 20:27–36. GEE Ángeles. GEE Matrimonio — El nuevo y sempiterno convenio del matrimonio. GEE Sellamiento, sellar. DyC 76:52–53; 88:3–4. GEE Llaves del sacerdocio. Éx. 19:5–6; Apoc. 5:10; 20:6; DyC 76:56; 78:15, 18. GEE Libro de la vida.

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      1 In the a celestial glory there are three b heavens or...

  2. Section 132. Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Nauvoo, Illinois, recorded July 12, 1843, relating to the new and everlasting covenant, including the eternity of the marriage covenant and the principle of plural marriage. Although the revelation was recorded in 1843, evidence indicates that some of the principles involved in ...

  3. 13 E tudo que existe no mundo, quer seja ordenado por homens, por tronos ou principados ou poderes ou coisas de renome, sejam quais forem, que não for por mim nem pela minha palavra, diz o Senhor, será derrubado e não permanecerá depois que os homens morrerem; nem na ressurreição nem depois da ressurreição, diz o Senhor vosso Deus.

  4. Doctrine and Covenants 132 contains some of the most uplifting and some of the most controversial revelations of Joseph Smith. In the section, Joseph outlines the principles of eternal marriage, explaining how the sealing power can allow family relationships to continue beyond the grave.

  5. Denuncia Constitucional 132 y el respectivo Informe de Calificación (en 081 folios), donde constan los hechos que se le imputan; a fin de que, en el plazo de 5 días hábiles, mediante escrito, formule sus descargos y presente u ofrezca los medios probatorios que considere

  6. While the primary purpose of Doctrine and Covenants 132 is to explain the practice of plural marriage (D&C 132:1–2), the Lord began by outlining the new and everlasting covenant, which includes eternal marriage. The new and everlasting covenant is a theme throughout the revelations of the Restoration. The covenant is ancient, going back to ...

  7. › doctrine-and-covenants › sections-121-138Section 132 | Gospel Doctrine

    Only in D&C 132, is the doctrine openly stated, "then shall they be gods." The Bible suggests the doctrine, the Book of Mormon has another focus, the Pearl of Great Price sets the stage declaring the work and glory of God "to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" (Moses 1:39), but only in the Doctrine and Covenants, does the ...