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  1. 'Stay,' he says. Everybody has to make choices. Some might break you. For seventeen-year-old Mia, surrounded by a wonderful family, friends and a gorgeous boyfriend decisions might seem tough, but they're all about a future full of music and love, a future that's brimming with hope. But life can change in an instant.

  2. 4.3 25,967 calificaciones. Libro 1 de 2: If I Stay. Favorito de maestros. Ver todos los formatos y ediciones. The critically acclaimed, bestselling novel from Gayle Forman, author of Where She Went, Just One Day, and Just One Year.In the blink of an eye everything changes.

  3. A sophisticated, layered, and heartachingly beautiful story about the power of family and friends, the choices we all make, and the ultimate choice one teenage girl commands, this emotionally arresting novel is sure to captivate readers.

  4. Sinopsis de If I Stay (If I Stay, #1) libro: Extremadamente corto, pero me deja con demasiadas cosas en las que pensar, casi todas esas mujeres, deseaban más que simplemente convertirse en amas de casa o cumplir el ideal de la mujer nazi, casi todas en varias áreas estaban ansiosas por obtener el estatus. dentro del partido nazi ...

  5. En la visión de una adolescente que está creciendo y descubriendo el amor llega la tragedia, en un accidente de coche en el que viajaban su familia y ella, la protagonista se debate entre la vida y la muerte y tiene que tomar la elección de quedarse en el mundo terrenal o ir al camino de la luz, durante la historia será testigo de momentos trági...

  6. Gayle Forman, an award-winning best-selling author, has penned an incredible tale of young love as well as family love in her book, If I Stay, which is the first book in the If I Stay series.

  7. 'If I Stay' tells the story of Mia, a seventeen year old girl and a gifted classical musician, with her whole life ahead of her. A life full of choices. That is until a ride in the car with her family ends with a horrific wreck and Mia has an out of body experience.