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  1. Bethany Meilani Hamilton (Lihue, Hawái, 8 de febrero de 1990) es una surfista estadounidense, especialmente conocida como superviviente a un ataque de tiburón, en el que perdió el brazo izquierdo a los trece años y por superar con éxito esa grave lesión, hasta el punto de regresar a la práctica del surf y ganar diversas ...

  2. Bethany Meilani Hamilton (born February 8, 1990) is an American professional surfer and writer. In 2003, she survived a shark attack in which her left arm was bitten off; ultimately, she returned to professional surfing and wrote about her experiences in the 2004 autobiography, Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting ...

  3. 17 de nov. de 2018 · Conoce la vida de Bethany Hamilton, una surfista que perdió un brazo por un tiburón y se convirtió en una profesional. Descubre cómo superó el dolor, la emoción y las dificultades para seguir su pasión y inspirar a otros.

  4. Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable is Bethany’s complete and untold story that follows her journey from childhood into motherhood—the ups, downs, and her powerful resilience against all odds to become one of the leading professional surfers of all time.

  5. 5 de jun. de 2015 · Bethany Hamilton overcame the loss of her left arm in a terrifying shark attack to become a champion surfer and inspirational public figure.

  6. Bethany Hamilton is an American professional surfer, author, and motivational speaker who lost her arm to a shark while surfing when she was 13 years old. She served as an inspiration to people when she returned to surfing shortly after the attack, despite her serious injury.

  7. Learn how to live an Unstoppable life with Bethany Hamilton, a surfing champion who overcame a shark attack and became a speaker, author and mother. Explore her blog, courses, film and free video training on her website.

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