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  1. Michael Caine portrayed Alfred Pennyworth in Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises. Despite Bruce's lifelong rebellion and frequent departure from home as shown in Batman Begins , Alfred never lost faith in his master.

  2. Información. Nombre real. Alfred J. Pennyworth. Alias. - Interpretado por. Michael Caine. Apariciones. Batman Begins. The Dark Knight Rises. «Hay hombres que no buscan nada lógico como dinero. No puedes comprarlos, intimidarlos, convencerlos ni negociar con ellos. Hay hombres que solo quieren ver arder el mundo.»

  3. En la película de 2012, The Dark Knight Rises, Bruce Wayne deja el residuo de su propiedad a Alfred, enumerándolo en el testamento como Alfred J. Pennyworth. Familia. Jarvis: el padre de Alfred tanto en la pre-crisis como en la continuidad de New 52.

  4. Alfred Pennyworth es el mayordomo, tutor, y ante todo amigo de Bruce Wayne. Es interpretado por Michael Caine en la trilogía dirigida por Christopher Nolan. Sirvió para el ejército británico cuando era más joven. En una misión, se despachó con una unidad para negociar con el Gobierno birmano y….

  5. Alfred raised the young orphan and reluctantly aided him in his quest to become Batman. His many skills—ranging from cooking to medicine—make him Batman's staunchest ally, along with a formal demeanor that grounds the Dark Knight and deflects those who might otherwise suspect Batman's true identity.

  6. Alfred Pennyworth : You crossed the line first, sir. You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation. And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand. Bruce Wayne : Criminals aren't complicated, Alfred. Just have to figure out what he's after.

  7. The Dark Knight Returns‎. Gallery. Real Name. Alfred Pennyworth. Status. Alignment. Good. Identity. Public Identity. Citizenship. British. Occupation. Butler. Characteristics. Gender. Male. Hair. Black. Origin. Universe. Earth-31. Creators. Don C. Cameron · Bob Kane. Sir, I am your butler. I am your aide. I am your medic.