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  1. The entourage effect is a marketing slogan that purports cannabis compounds other than tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) act synergistically with it to modulate the overall psychoactive effects of the plant.

  2. The “entourage effect”, is the suggested positive contribution derived from the addition of terpenes to the effect of cannabinoids (see Fig. 1 1). This means that the entirety of the effect is greater than the sum effects of its contributing parts.

  3. 2 de nov. de 2020 · En pocas palabras el efecto séquito se refiere a la sinergia y mejora del efecto de un producto cannábico ( flor, extracto, tintura…), debido a una mayor presencia de elementos que actúan en grupo, como por ejemplo los terpenos en conjunto con los cannabinoides.

  4. 13 de dic. de 2019 · Learn about the entourage effect, the theory that cannabis compounds are more effective when taken together. Find out how CBD and THC may help with pain, anxiety, inflammation, and more.

  5. 20 de abr. de 2017 · The entourage effect is the idea that cannabis compounds work together to enhance or alter THC's effects. Learn about the evidence, arguments and challenges of this controversial theory from cannabis researchers and industry players.

  6. 6 de nov. de 2018 · It’s called the entourage effect: THC, like a rock star, only reaches its full potential when it rolls with a crew, consisting of hundreds of other compounds in the plant that scientists know...

  7. Thus, the "entourage effect" is the suggested positive contribution derived from the addition of terpenes to cannabinoids. Here, we review the literature on the effects of cannabinoids and discuss the possibility of enhancing cannabinoid activity on psychiatric symptoms by the addition of terpenes and terpenoids.