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  1. 13 de mar. de 2024 · Dark Knightmon is the Perfect Level of Skull Knightmon, corrupted from Tailmon. She evolves into this form by taking in the power of the dark crystal given to her by Devimon, in order to face Metal Greymon and Were Garurumon, as well as stop Takaishi Takeru from taking back the Holy Digimon's Digitama.

  2. DarkKnightmon (AxeKnightmon en occidente) es un Digimon Tipo Caballero Oscuro, cuyo nombre y diseño se derivan del Caballero Negro de las antiguas historias medievales. Su nombre significa Monstruo Caballero Oscuro. DarkKnightmon es la forma fusionada de SkullKnightmon y DeadlyAxemon, quienes han….

  3. AxeKnightmon is a Dark Knight Digimon. It is the fused figure of SkullKnightmon and Axemon, who have exchanged cups of brotherhood. AxeKnightmon, who brings the older brother's ingenuity together with the younger brother's mobility, has become a first-class warrior. The skills of AxeKnightmon...

  4. DarkKnightmon es un Digimon tipo Caballero Oscuro de nivel Definitivo, cuyo nombre y diseño provienen del Dark Knigth (Caballero Oscuro en Ingles). Es la forma que adquiere DarkKnightmon al obtener el Anticuerpo X. DarkKnightmon es la forma fusionada de SkullKnightmon y DeadlyAxemon, que han…

  5. Dark Knightmon is the fused figure of Skull Knightmon and Deadly Axemon, who have exchanged cups of brotherhood. Dark Knightmon, who brings the older brother's ingenuity together with the younger brother's mobility, has become a first-class warrior.

  6. Dark Knight Attribute Virus Special Move ・Twin Spear ・Shoulder Blade ・Undead Soldier. Profile. DarkKnightmon is the fusion of sworn brothers SkullKnightmon and DeadlyAxemon. It is the ultimate warrior, combining the ingenuity and dynamism of both brothers.

  7. DarkKnightmon es un Digimon del Tipo Caballero Oscuro cuyo nombre y diseño derivan del término inglés para designar al Caballero Negro. Es el resultado de la DigiXros entre SkullKnightmon y DeadlyAxemon.