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  1. Feel free to copy and paste this After Effects Bounce Expression below. Don't worry, you don't have to know how this entire expression works to use it. e = .7; //elasticity. g = 5000; //gravity. nMax = 9; //number of bounces allowed. n = 0; if (numKeys > 0) {. n = nearestKey (time).index; if (key (n).time > time) n--;

  2. 1. Intertial Bounce v1.2. Essentially, Inertial Bounce creates a bouncing motion of any parameter from one keyframe to the next, based on its velocity. Being that true “velocity” includes the vector (or traveling direction in 3D space), the bounce happens in whatever direction the object is traveling.

  3. 17 de feb. de 2021 · Bounce Expression. First create an animation (ie. scale 100 to 120% or position from left to right). Next apply bellow’s expression to the property you’ve key-framed to make the animation bounce. n = 0; if (numKeys > 0){ n = nearestKey(time).index; if (key(n).time > time){ n--; } if (n == 0){ t = 0; }else{ t = time - key(n).time; }

  4. 1 de mar. de 2023 · value + v*amp*Math.sin(freq*t*2*Math.PI)/Math.exp(decay*t); }else{value} This expression defines the behavior of a sinusoidal animation or visual effect in Adobe After Effects. Let's break it down line by line: amp = .1; This line sets the amplitude ("amp") of the sine wave to 0.1.

  5. Keyframe Bounce Back. In both bounce and overshoot scenarios, you are dealing with decaying amplitude. With overshoot, you are generally dealing with a harmonic oscillation, like you would have with a pendulum or a spring. That means the frequency remains the same (at the resonant frequency of the object) as the amplitude decays.

  6. The Quick Answer for Adding a Bounce Expression. Create your basic animation and then alt-click the property you want to ‘bounce’. In the test field add the following expression: amp = .1; freq = 2.0; decay = 2.0; n = 0; time_max = 4; if (numKeys > 0) { n = nearestKey (time).index; if (key (n).time > time) { n–; }} if (n == 0) { t = 0; }else {

  7. The bounce expression adds a lively bouncing effect to property keyframes. It’s useful for creating animations with a playful or dynamic feel, where elements appear to bounce in and out of view. Apply it to any animatable property to achieve this effect. amp = 0.7; freq = 0.5; decay = 2.1; n = 0; if (numKeys > 0) {.