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  1. Elevate your aquarium with the captivating Black Fire Endler. Its striking black body and fiery orange accents create a mesmerizing visual spectacle. This sociable and elegant fish is a must-have addition to your aquatic world. Discover its allure today!

  2. From C$8.99. High quality Black Fire Endler individuals (males) or Trios (1 male + 2 females). The origin of this variety includes a Silverado x Black Flame cross. Males exhibit an attractive silver head, with a half-black body and a tail with a green and red pattern that may resemble flames. Females are grey-bodied.

  3. Endler Silverado x Black Flame. Pareja Distribución: Laguna de Patos, Venezuela y en la base de la península de Paria. Lagos, charcas y zonas de aguas estancadas. Tipo de acuario: Por su tamaño, el acuario puede ser de reducidas dimensiones. Tamaño: 2cm los machos y 3cm las hembras. Temperatura: Se encontrarán muy a gusto entre 22º y 25º

  4. Origen: Venezuela. Nombre científico: Poecilia wingei/Endler. Nombre común: Endler El Silverado X Black Flame. Temperatura: 20/24ºC. pH: 6.8/8.0º. Dureza: 5-20º GH. Comportamiento: Pacíficos e inofensivos. Se deben mantener en grupos con más hembras que machos. Alimentación: Omnívoro.

  5. 11 de dic. de 2021 · The black fire strain refers to a specific color morph of this fish, which has mainly a black body, with a red chest to belly area. The “fire” comes from both the dorsal and caudal fins, which have a red base, and irregular black patterning which gives the illusion of flames emanating from their bodies.

  6. Poecilia endleri silverado x Black Flame3. El precio incluye un macho y una hembra. Tamaño de venta 2 cm. 9,00 €.

  7. The Black Bar Endler hails from the picturesque Laguna de Los Patos, nestled in the Cumana region of Venezuela, South America. These captivating species thrive in the warm, hard waters that teem with vibrant algae, imparting a distinct green hue to the lakes and creeks they call home.