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  1. The Codex Leicester (also briefly known as the Codex Hammer) is a collection of scientific writings by Leonardo da Vinci. The codex is named after Thomas Coke, Earl of Leicester, who purchased it in 1717. The codex provides an insight into the mind of the Renaissance artist, scientist and thinker, as well as an exceptional ...

  2. The Codex con­tains not only engi­neer­ing dia­grams, anato­my stud­ies, and artis­tic sketch­es, but also fables writ­ten by Leonar­do, inspired by Flo­ren­tine lit­er­a­ture. And it fea­tures Leonardos famed “CV, ” a let­ter he wrote to the Duke of Milan describ­ing in nine points his qual­i­fi­ca­tions for the post of mil­i­tary engi­neer.

  3. Codex Atlanticus, folio 1006 v de Leonardo Da Vinci Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana. 3: ¿Por qué se llama Atlántico? El nombre "Atlántico" nada tiene que ver con el océano, ni con contenido...

  4. "The Codex Atlanticus (Atlantic Codex) is a twelve-volume, bound set of drawings and writings by Leonardo da Vinci, the largest such set; its name indicates its atlas-like breadth. It comprises 1,119 leaves dating from 1478 to 1519, the contents covering a great variety of subjects, from flight to weaponry to musical instruments and from ...

  5. The Visual Agency recientemente lanzó una versión completamente digitalizada de los 12 volúmenes y 1,119 páginas del Codex Atlanticus de Leonardo da Vinci. La extraordinaria colección incluye reveladores bocetos y diagramas de sus invenciones.

  6. The Codex Leicester is a set of notes, written and illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci between 1506 and 1510, which reflect his observations and experiments on the nature and movement of...

  7. The Codex Atlanticus is the largest single collection of drawings and writings (in Italian) by polymath Leonardo da Vinci, containing 1,119 paper leaves (2,238 pages) arranged into 12 leather-bound volumes. Its size and scope has led art historian Carlo Pedretti to recognize it as the most important of Leonardo's manuscripts.