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  1. Full Icon Themes. by themetresatrometos. Franky is a Frankenstein-hybrid icon theme based mainly on the Humanity and the Papirus themes. The main body it's a mix of old and new versions of Humanity with some mime, applications and categories icons taken from the Delft theme.

  2. Tokyo Night Gnome Shell ThemeTokyo Night is a GTK theme based on the Gruvbox Material VSCode and Graphite theme by @VinceLiuice and part of the 'Code Editors Colours for GTK' series.Themes for the GNOME Shell with the Tokyo Night colour palette.There are two types of themes you can choose from,...

  3. Beautiful theme, but it does not work in Arch with GNOME 46. With the "user-themes" extension installed and gnome-tweaks, it changes the theme of the shell and legacy applications, but not...

  4. 11 de ago. de 2023 · While the default system settings have plenty of options to configure your GNOME system as per your needs, I still recommend using GNOME Tweaks and Extensions Manager in order to do more customization to the GNOME desktop in Ubuntu 22.04 or other Linux distributions.

  5. 8 de ene. de 2015 · By changing your GNOME theme, you can give your Linux desktop a brand-new look and feel. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to install new themes on a Linux system running the GNOME desktop environment.

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    Light Gtk3.20+ theme with some gradients¡IMPORTANT! Recently this and my other themes have been attacked by a bunch of crazy fake accounts giving massive downvotes trying to defame those themes, that situation has already been reported and hopefully a solution will be found, Thanks for your ...

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    Prof-Gnome-theme Made by PaulxfceCall me old-fashioned, but I do not like all the modern dark themes out there. My focus is this: A pleasing, clear and easy-on-the-eyes theme that is meant for those who use the Gnome-desktop professionally on a daily basis.

  8. 26 de ago. de 2020 · Although it's pretty basic out of the box, you can customize GNOME to match your preferences. Thanks to GNOME Tweaks and the user themes extension, you can change the look and feel of the top bar, window title bars, icons, cursors, and many other UI options.

  9. 12 de ene. de 2023 · This tutorial gives you some easy steps to customize GNOME Desktop with a clean look with minimal effort. Here’s how. We are continuing with the “GNOME look and customization” series with various ways of customizing the default GNOME look in the popular Ubuntu desktop.

  10. 12 de ago. de 2021 · Do you love Gnome Shell but hate the way it looks? Don’t worry, the Internet is chock-full of better-looking themes to choose from. There are so many, in fact, that we’ve had to filter it down to seven themes. Here are some of the best Gnome Shell themes you can use to customize your Gnome DE.