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  1. Consideramos que la historia de la Dra. Elizabeth Garrett es prototípica e ilustrativa, pero en este artículo no solo revisaremos el crítico período de la historia de la Medicina que le tocó vivir, sino que también rendiremos tributo a las mujeres que intentaron ejercer la Medicina antes de ella. Desarrollo Antes de Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

  2. 15 de ago. de 2019 · Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (1860s). Imagen: Wikimedia Commons. Cuando no se abre una puerta, a veces hay que entrar por una ventana. Se matriculó como estudiante de enfermería en el Hospital Middlesex, donde comenzó un periodo de seis meses de preparación como enfermera en la sala de cirugía.

  3. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson y de Sophia Jex-Blake que, tras una lucha enconada y agotadora lidiando con la incomprensión de la sociedad en la que les tocó vivir, consiguieron su objetivo: estudiar medicina.

  4. This article focuses on the life of Dr Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, the first woman in Great Britain and the second in Europe to practise medicine (after Dr Suslova), and addresses both her medical career and her role as a pioneer in the fight for women’s equality.

  5. One of the founders of the London School of Medicine for Women, Garrett Anderson’s most significant achievement was the founding and direction of the New Hospital for Women in London. Here Garrett Anderson was renowned for her adoption of modern ‘scientific' medicine and new visual medical technologies.

  6. Five-year-old Elizabeth Garrett, a Londoner born, found herself set down on a windswept jetty littered with bales and boat gear. Coastguards shouted orders which the wind snatched away. Furniture and baggage was heaved ashore and loaded into carts, the weary children following.

  7. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson in context: the origins of the womens movement in mid-Victorian Britain By Professor Lawrence Goldman In 1840 in London at the first World Anti-Slavery Convention, a woman rose to speak from the separate enclosure where all women attendees at the meeting had been corralled. There