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  1. Electronic Arts was founded on May 27, 1982 by Trip Hawkins. Its logo featured a blue square, circle, and triangle with white stripes. In 2020, this logo appeared on the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection and used as an icon since 2020.

  2. The original EA logo was a geometric logo featuring the grey inscription “Electronic Arts” alongside three shapes: a triangle, a ball, and a cube. The triangle and the square were seen by many to be representative of the letters “E” and “A.”

  3. 25 de abr. de 2024 · Unpacking mysteries, we’ll explore the visual branding strategies of Electronic Arts, witness logo redesign in action, and understand the power of this video game emblem beyond aesthetics. Dive deep into a design odyssey, from inception to the zenith of digital recognition.

  4. 26 de feb. de 2023 · El primer logotipo de EA fue desarrollado por Barry Deutsch de la agencia de identidad corporativa Steinhilber Deutsch & Gard. El emblema estaba dominado por tres formas: un cuadrado, un círculo, y un triángulo. Significado e historia.

  5. Electronic Arts fue fundado el 27 de mayo de 1982 por Trip Hawkins. Su logo presentaba un cuadrado azul, un círculo y un triángulo con rayas blancas. En 2020, este logo apareció en Command & Conquer Remastered Collection y es usado como icono desde 2020. Usado solo en Creative Wonders, y también…

  6. 16 de abr. de 2024 · The logo represents Electronic Arts as a creative video game developer, as it has an unusual element – the stylized abbreviation EA. It is placed in a circle to the left of the corporation’s name.

  7. 13 de jun. de 2023 · The EA Games logo represents the company’s commitment to delivering high-quality gaming experiences and serves as a powerful visual identifier in the gaming industry. The EA Games logo features the monogram “EA,” which stands for “Electronic Arts.”