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  1. Chen Jiongming (Chinese: 陳炯明; Wade–Giles: Chʻên 2 Chiung 3-ming 2; 18 January 1878 – 22 September 1933), courtesy name Jingcun (竞存/競存), nickname Ayan (阿烟/阿煙), was a Chinese lawyer, military general, revolutionary, federalist and politician who was best known as a Hailufeng Hokkien revolutionary figure in ...

  2. Chen Jiongming fue un militar chino, uno de los caciques militares de la era de los caudillos militares, que dominó parte de algunas provincias del sureste de China.

  3. Chen Jiongming was a Chinese military leader whose support allowed Sun Yat-sen to establish in Guangzhou (Canton; 1920) the revolutionary government that later spawned both the Chinese Nationalist and the Chinese communist movements. Originally a Nationalist revolutionary, Chen by 1918 had become.

  4. This study of Chen Jiongming's political career reopens the record on federalist efforts, focusing on Chen's policies and administrative achievements in Fujian and Guangdong.

  5. 11 de mar. de 2007 · Chen Jiongming (18781933) played an important role in the first four of these events. He was by training a lawyer and became a Qing legislator, a republican revolutionary, a military leader, a civil administrator and a federalist who sought to reconstruct China as a democratic republic.

  6. Sociology, History, Political Science. The local self-government movement in China began in the late Qing, and by the Revolution of 1911 no less than five thousand self-government councils had formed...

  7. Chen Jiongming played a key role in the tumultuous politics of southern China from 1909 until his death in 1933. He built a relationship and then notoriously broke with Sun Yat-sen, the leader of the centralist revolutionaries.