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  1. Major General John Bradstreet, born Jean-Baptiste Bradstreet (21 December 1714 – 25 September 1774) was a British Army officer during King George's War, the French and Indian War, and Pontiac's War. He was born in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia, to a British Army lieutenant and an Acadian mother.

  2. John Bradstreet was a colonial who became a prominent tactician in the British military. During the Seven Year's/French & Indian War, he led multiple attacks against the French frontier, helping to secure Canada for the British.

  3. John Bradstreet (22 July 1652 – 11 January 1718) was an accused "witch" during the Salem Witch Trials.

  4. 20 de oct. de 2021 · Members of the Bradstreet family were founders of Massachusetts Bay Colony and of Andover. In 1692, as the witch trials broke out, two brothers were caught up on opposites sides: Dudley Bradstreet was Andover’s Justice of the Peace, and John Bradstreet was an accused witch.

  5. In 1933, the arch competitors merged to form Dun & Bradstreet. The merger was engineered by Dun's CEO Arthur Whiteside. Using his first-rate diplomatic skills, Whiteside was able to broker a deal with the company's long-lasting and foremost competitor.

  6. Explore Dun & Bradstreet Perspectives for the latest trends in finance, sales & marketing, procurement, compliance, and more. Articles include tips and best practices, glimpses into the state of business, and expert insights on navigating an ever-changing market.

  7. 31 de may. de 2001 · John Bradstreet is said to have been born in England in 1711. His family moved to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia in 1714. He was the son of Lieutenant Edmond Bradstreet and his wife, Agatha De La Tour. Their family was small with only another boy who was named Simon.