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  1. El Circo Máximo (en italiano: Circo Massimo; en latín: Circus Maximus) es un antiguo estadio para carreras de carros y otros eventos de masas situado en Roma ( Italia ). Ubicado en un valle entre el monte Aventino y el Palatino, fue el primer hipódromo y el más grande de la antigua Roma y su posterior imperio.

  2. El Circo Máximo era el más grande de Roma, con capacidad para 300.000 espectadores. Se celebraban juegos públicos de carreras de carros, exhibiciones ecuestres y carreras pedestres.

  3. The Circus Maximus (Latin for "largest circus"; Italian: Circo Massimo) is an ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium and mass entertainment venue in Rome, Italy. In the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire.

  4. 16 de may. de 2018 · The Circus Maximus was a chariot racetrack in Rome constructed in the 6th century BCE. Used for other events such as the Roman Games and gladiator fights, it last hosted chariot races in the 6th century.

  5. Circus Maximus, largest of the Roman hippodromes and one of the largest sports arenas ever built. A U-shaped structure with seats on three sides and a low wall running down the middle of the arena around which the chariots raced, it was rebuilt in the time of Julius Caesar (1st century bc) to seat.

  6. Visit the largest arena of Ancient Rome and imagine the roar of 250,000 spectators watching chariot races. Learn about the origins, history, and facts of this ancient stadium and its role in pop culture.

  7. Learn about the history and features of the Circus Maximus, the largest stadium in ancient Rome that could accommodate 300,000 spectators. Find out how chariot races, equestrian exhibitions and foot races were held in this ancient arena.

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