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  1. Escritor americano, Paul Hoffman es conocido a nivel internacional por su serie de libros de fantasía iniciada con La mano izquierda de Dios.

  2. Paul Hoffman (born 1953) is an author, who wrote the Left Hand of God trilogy. He studied English at New College, Oxford. Paul Hoffman wrote the script for the 1998 vampire film The Wisdom of Crocodiles with Jude Law, Timothy Spall and Elina Löwensohn.

  3. Paul Hoffman es autor de dos novelas, The Wisdom of Crocodiles (2000), que predijo el colapso del sistema financiero, y The Golden Age of Censorship (2007). Con La mano izquierda de Dios inicia una trilogía fantástica que se ha vendido en más de veinte países. Ha participado en esta ficha: dixy.

  4. Sinopsis de LA MANO IZQUIERDA DE DIOS. «Escuchad: el Santuario de los Redentores en Peña Shotover se llama así por una cochina mentira, pues por allí redención hay poca, y santuario aún menos». El Santuario de los Redentores es un lugar enorme y desolado, un lugar sin alegría ni esperanza.

  5. Paul Hoffman. Paul Hoffman es autor de las novelas The Wisdom of Crocodiles (2000), que predijo el colapso del sistema financiero y The Golden Age of Censorship (2007), una comedia negra basada en su experiencia como censor cinematográfico.

  6. His first novel, The Wisdom. Possibly the only novelist of his generation to be born by the light of a paraffin lamp, Paul Hoffman spent much of his childhood on airfields all around the world watching his father – a pioneer of sports parachuting and European Champion – jumping out of aeroplanes.

  7. Paul Hoffman (born March 30, 1956) is the president and CEO of the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City, New Jersey. He is also a prominent author, science educator, food entrepreneur, Moth storyteller, and host of the PBS television series Great Minds of Science.