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  1. Artículo 1. 1. Este Convenio se aplica a todo buque dedicado a la navegación marítima, de propulsión mecánica, de propiedad pública o privada, destinado, con fines comerciales, al transporte de mercancías o de pasajeros y matriculado en un territorio para el cual se halle en vigor este Convenio. 2.

  2. 92) Convenio relativo al alojamiento de la tripulación a bordo (revisado en 1949) (Entrada en vigor: 29 enero 1953) Adopción: Ginebra, 32ª reunión CIT (18 junio 1949) - Estatus: Instrumento en situación provisoria (Convenios Técnicos).

  3. 1. An adequate system of heating the crew accommodation shall be provided except in ships engaged exclusively in voyages in the tropics and the Persian Gulf. 2. The heating system shall, when practicable, be in operation at all times when the crew is living or working on board and conditions require its use.

  4. Under the 1992 Protocol, a shipowner cannot limit liability if it is proved that the pollution damage resulted from the shipowner's personal act or omission, committed with the intent to cause such damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that such damage would probably result.

  5. ILO 92 - International Labour Conference (ILO) Convention No. 92 - Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Revised 1949)

  6. The 1992 Civil Liability Convention (1992 CLC) governs the liability of shipowners for oil pollution damage. Under this Convention, the registered shipowner has strict liability for pollution damage caused by the escape or discharge of persistent oil from his ship. This means that he is liable even in the absence of fault on his part.

  7. Compliance with the Accomodation of Crew Convention of International Labour Conference - Convention 92 (Revised 1949) and 133 concerning Crew Accomodation on Board Ship Subject Stand: 2009-11-10