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  1. Jacob is very special in Islam for carrying on the legacy left by his forefathers. Muslims believe God bestowed His utmost grace upon Jacob and chose him to be among the most exalted men. The Quran frequently mentions Jacob as a man of might and vision and stresses he was of the company of the good and elect.

  2. El Profeta Jacob (Ia’qub) es uno de la línea patriarcal de profetas enviados por Dios para enseñarle a su pueblo a adorar al Dios Único y llevar una vida recta. El Corán enseña que todos y cada uno de los profetas enseñaron el mismo mensaje fundamental de sumisión al Único Dios.

  3. Prophet Jacob is one of a patriarchal line of prophets sent by God to teach his people to worship One God and to live a righteous life. The Quran teaches that each and every one of the prophets taught the same fundamental message of submission to One God.

  4. Prophet Jacob is one of a patriarchal line of prophets sent by God to teach his people to worship One God and to live a righteous life. The Quran teaches that each and every one of the prophets taught the same fundamental message of submission to One God.

  5. El Profeta Jacob (Ia’qub) es uno de la línea patriarcal de profetas enviados por Dios para enseñarle a su pueblo a adorar al Dios Único y llevar una vida recta. El Corán enseña que todos y cada uno de los profetas enseñaron el mismo mensaje fundamental de sumisión al Único Dios.

  6. Jacob is the same as Israel meaning servant of Allah. According to Nasekh At-Tawarikh, Jacob passed away 3630 years after the fall of Adam and when Joseph was burying his father, the body of his brother, Isa who had died on the day Jacob had passed away was brought from Rome and buried near Jacob.

  7. › wiki › JacobJacob - Wikipedia

    The Quran makes it clear that Jacob was blessed by God as a prophet and, therefore, Muslims believe that his father, being a prophet as well, also knew of his son's greatness. Jacob is also cited in the Hadith as an example of one who was patient and trusting in God in the face of suffering.