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  1. Richard Minino is a Florida-based artist. While he does participate in gallery showings, the main outlet for his art is through creating album and T-shirt designs for numerous punk and hardcore bands.

  2. 7 de oct. de 2007 · Richard Minino is an up and coming a... "Horse Bites, Dogs Cry". In a world full of music, one man strived to capture the esseence of punk rock through his art.

  3. 22 de ene. de 2015 · Richard Miñano, un artista para el medio ambiente. Desde hace diez años se dedica a hacer arte con material reciclado. Es escultor ambientalista, chorrillano y quiere pertenecer a Greenpeace ...

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  5. 23 de ene. de 2015 · Con todo lo que ha reciclado en los últimos diez años, Richard Miñano podría llenar por completo una habitación de cuarenta metros cuadrados. Lo que otros desechan o ya no usan más —botellas, ganchos de ropa, artículos de plástico— son los insumos principales que utiliza para construir su arte.

  6. Harvest of Hope Fest 2009: BRM talks to artist Richard Minino about his art company, Horsebites; his design firm, The Black Axe; being the new drummer for No...

  7. 8 de oct. de 2008 · Our series of Fest-related interviews continues tonight with a chat between Michael Dauphin and Richard Minino, better known as Horsebites. Doesn't ring a bell? Through Young Livers, Less Than Jake, New Mexican Disaster Squad, The Fest and more.