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  1. Fisher reflects on his disillusionment with the left-wing Twitter culture and his re-engagement with politics through the People's Assembly and Russell Brand. He argues for a more comradely and humorous approach to political debate and activism.

  2. Exiting the Vampire Castle. "Exiting the Vampire Castle" is an essay written by the English theorist Mark Fisher for the online publication The North Star in 2013. It argues for increased leftist solidarity by departing from the phenomenon of online callout culture to instead orient activity around organization of efforts around the ...

  3. « Salir del castillo de vampiros » 1 (título original en inglés: Exiting the Vampire Castle) es un ensayo escrito por el teórico inglés Mark Fisher para la publicación digital The North Star en 2013. Aboga por una mayor solidaridad en la izquierda, alejándose del fenómeno de la cultura de la cancelación.

  4. 10 de jul. de 2022 · Salir del Castillo de Vampiros. Mark Fisher. Traducción: Patricio Orellana. Reproducimos este texto clásico de Mark Fisher sobre cómo construir la solidaridad de izquierdas y de clase superando las incesantes divisiones identitarias propias de la cultura neoliberal. Está a la venta nuestro décimo número, “La izquierda ante el fin de una época”.

  5. 22 de nov. de 2013 · A collection of essays on politics, philosophy and culture by the late critic and author Mark Fisher. He explores topics such as left-wing Twitter, capitalism, hauntology and the weird and the eerie.

  6. Mark Fisher's Exiting the Vampire Castle (audio)"We need to learn, or re-learn, how to build comradeship and solidarity instead of doing capital’s work for i...

  7. Reading and discussing a series of essays from the late Mark Fisher, continuing with with his infamous polemic against the moralizing left: Exiting the Vampi...