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  1. En el documento “poseyendo el clima. para 2025” ustedes aseveran: “En los Estados Unidos, la modificación climática formará parte de la política de seguridad nacional, con aplicaciones domésticas e internacionales. Nuestro gobierno perseguirá esa política a varios.

  2. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” / “El Clima como multiplicador de fuerza: poseyendo el clima para 2025” _____ Señores, Señora, Soy Josefina Fraile Martín, española de nacimiento y ciudadana del mundo. Por ello tras leer su

  3. In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battlespace in ways never before possible.

  4. OWNING THE WEATHER goes deep inside the story of weather modification, including geoengineering schemes to fight global warming. From Director Robert Greene World Premiere on April 3rd at the...

  5. Mixing character-driven verité with the scope of an essay film, OWNING THE WEATHER tells the story of weather modification in the United States, from Charles Hatfields infamous rainmaking days to modern plans to engineer the climate.

  6. Owning the Weather: Directed by Robert Greene. With Roger Angel, Ando Arike, Don Berchoff, Richard 'Heatwave' Berler. We've always wanted to control the weather.

  7. This film discusses the need to alter the earths global ecosystem to accommodate the affluent lifestyles of the rich...The film was screened at the UNFCC COP...