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  1. The 215th anniversary of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy (now Military Medical) is a reason not only for celebration, but also is the moment of truth, connecting the great history of surgical development in Russian and its prospects in 21st century.

  2. This article presents the historical picture of the introduction of issues of military field surgery, first in hospital schools, then at the Saint Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy (MSA), and then, during Soviet times, at the. S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy (the Military Medical Academy of the Workers’ and Peasants’ of the Red Army).

  3. 11 de ene. de 2020 · Having returned to Russia, in 1841, Pirogov headed the Department of Surgery at St. Petersburg Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy. He had worked there for ten years and founded the first clinic of hospital surgery in the country.

  4. The main distinction between military medical schools in Russia and Europe, which became apparent in the second half of the 19th century, was the emergence of practical military medical schools in some European countries (Austria-Hungary, France, England) during this period.

  5. 14 de ene. de 2019 · Under the influence of Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov and the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna, several women’s Communities were formed whose members cared for the poor and sick. 3, 4 During the Crimean War, Russia became the first country to send well-trained female nurses to the battle front.

  6. Ranked as one of the best educational institutions in the Russian Empire, it was known as the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy from 1808. According to the order of Emperor Alexander I, a member of the Medical and Surgical Academy had the rights, liabilities, and benefits of a member of the Academy of Sciences.

  7. In 1808 Wylie was elected President of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy in Saint Petersburg and was there for 30 years. Wylie was appointed Inspector General for the Army Board of Health in 1806, and became Director of the Medical Department of the Imperial Ministry of War in 1812.