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  1. 4 de jun. de 2024 · Whether your neighbor is making you feel threatened or acting offensively, there are legal actions you can take. With proper documentation of the events that have occurred, you will be much better prepared to present a court case against the offending neighbor.

  2. 14 de jun. de 2024 · Conflicts involving trees and neighbors are best resolved through communication, but there are laws covering these types of situations. Learn more about conflicts with neighbors, trees, property, real estate, property lines, damage, and other legal topics at FindLaw's Real Estate section.

  3. 5 de jun. de 2024 · In real estate, an encroachment is when another property owner puts up a structure that intrudes on (or over) your land. For example, your neighbor builds a shed partially over your property line. It could also happen if a neighbor expands their house so that a porch ends up on your property.

  4. 4 de jun. de 2024 · Generally, you can expect to take the following steps during a lawsuit: Gather evidence. Review the evidence with the police, your attorney, and possibly the judge. Speak in court or privately with a judge. Settle the case for money or another resolution that (hopefully) makes your neighbor stop.

  5. 7 de jun. de 2024 · Neighborhood safety is a team effort, but it starts with you. What can you do to make your neighborhood a safer place? We have some simple tips here.

  6. 11 de jun. de 2024 · One of the easiest things to do is to try talking to your neighbor about the problem. Believe it or not, some people aren't even aware they're being a nuisance. A good first step is to schedule a face-to-face meeting and calmly tell them about your concerns.

  7. Hace 6 días · Although most gossip and rumours are pretty harmless, even if they can be a bit hurtful, sometimes they can start to get out of control and, before long, you can feel quite victimised, especially if the person spreading the rumours have been able to coerce other neighbours to ‘jump on board’.