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  1. 3 de jul. de 2024 · To be is the most irregular verb in the English language. Its most basic forms include the infinitive be , am , is , are , was , were , being and been . Here’s a quick rundown of them: Basic Forms of "To Be" Verbs. Uses.

  2. 4 de jul. de 2024 · Paul is from Peru. isn't he? c. Hong Yu is from China. isn't she? (no sé si es femenina) ahora sí es masculino, es: isn't he? d. Lin is from Vietnam. isn't she? e. I am from Spain. am not? f. Freddy and Luca are from Italy aren't they? Publicidad Publicidad Nuevas preguntas de Inglés.

  3. 10 de jul. de 2024 · You can see that there is a short form (contraction) used when writing the verb to be, and an apostrophe is used to form it: I am = I’m, She is = She’s, etc. Word Order When Using “To Be” in Present Simple Tense. In English, word order is very important: subject + verb + object.

  4. Were se usa cuando: Were se emplea junto a los pronombres you, we, they (segunda, primera y tercera persona plural) y junto a you (segunda persona singular). Y al igual que was, su significado es " fui o estaba ". Su fórmula es: Por ejemplo: Inglés.

  5. 4 de jul. de 2024 · 10. a. Our Il . We name is Kim b. Their late for class b. isn't c. Her. c. aren't. c. Are. c. are. a. is 12 a. Is 13. a. is 15. you a teacher ?

  6. 8 de jul. de 2024 · El senor Villas _________de Peru. eres. Y tu de donde __________? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like soy, es, es and more.

  7. 16 de jul. de 2024 · The Ficha de Canje Internacional is a document issued by Interpol (The International Criminal Police Organization) certifying that a person isnt an internationally wanted fugitive, so hasn’t an international wanted persons notice (Red Notice).