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  1. 16 de ago. de 2024 · Alejandro Carrascal | Birdwatcher and nature photographer (@raymijanoexplorers). Andean Condor Vultur Gryphus Cóndor andino ©Alejandro...

  2. Hace 6 días · Obscure Amazonian Lizard Observation of the Week: 1 September, 2024 [in English] In the past week, there were 118 observations of 45 species of lizards in the Amazon region. Four of the top five were regular top performers: Iguana iguana (9 observations), Ameiva ameiva (8 obs.), Gonatodes humeralis (7), Anolis fuscoauratus (7). The fifth most observed species was Anolis ortonii, which is ...

  3. 30 de ago. de 2024 · This study describes the immature stages, host plant, and interactions with parasitoid wasps of the butterfly Phoebis argante, a very widely distributed species, commonly found in the dry forest ecotone of the western Andes in Azuay province, Ecuador. The development time from oviposition to adult averaged 48 days. The host plant is identified as Inga edulis Mart. (Fabaceae), a leguminous tree ...

  4. 18 de ago. de 2024 · During the week ending August 18 there were 168 observations of 43 lizard species in the Amazon. Observations this week were dominated by some of the usual species ( Ameiva ameiva, Anolis fuscoauratus, Iguana iguana, Gonatodes humeralis, but with a strong showing by Tropidurus hispidus.

  5. Hace 2 días · Paleoneurological studies of mosasaurids are few and limited to old partial reconstructions made from latex casts on Platecarpus and Clidastes. Here, the brain endocasts of three specimens of the early mosasaurid Tethysaurus nopcsai from the Turonian of Morocco are reconstructed for the first time by using micro-computed tomography. Comparisons between Tethysaurus and the later Platecarpus and ...

  6. 18 de ago. de 2024 · —Esta semana recibí una serie de observaciones realmente bonitas de Stenocercus humeralis por parte de @leonardo_od, incluida esta. —esta observación de una Plica plica por parte de @rajanrao. Algunas especies, como esta, son reconocibles solo por la forma del cuerpo.

  7. 18 de ago. de 2024 · As of 19 August 2018, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has identified 3,005 critically endangered species, subspecies, stocks and subpopulations in the Animalia kingdom.