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  1. La muerte de Osama bin Laden se anunció el 2 de mayo de 2011, cuando unidades de élite de las fuerzas militares de EE. UU. abatieron al líder de Al-Qaeda en el transcurso de un tiroteo en Abbottabad, Pakistán.

  2. Luego de 10,000 MDD de daños materiales, más de 3,000 personas fallecidas y 25,000 heridos, el gobierno de George W Bush (2000-2008) experimentó la terrible realidad y seriedad con la que bin Laden y su grupo iban en contra de la yihad (guerra santa) contra el “imperio del mal”.

  3. On May 2, 2011, bin Laden was killed when a small U.S. force transported by helicopters raided the compound. His body, identified visually at the site of the raid, was taken out of Pakistan by U.S. forces for examination and DNA identification and soon after was given a sea burial.

  4. As a teacher and mentor to Saudi militant Osama bin Laden, he was one of the key figures who persuaded bin Laden to go to Afghanistan and personally oversee the mujahideen's efforts in that country.

  5. Bin Laden in 1997–1998. Several sources have alleged that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had ties with Osama bin Laden's faction of "Afghan Arab" fighters when it armed Mujahideen groups to fight the Soviet Union during the Soviet–Afghan War.

  6. LAHORE, Pakistán (AP — La policía antiterrorista de Pakistán arrestó a un líder de la red terrorista Al Qaeda que fue un colaborador cercano de Osama bin Laden, el orquestador de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001 en Estados Unidos, informaron autoridades el viernes.

  7. Hodgey, wake up. Osama bin Laden is dead.” The biggest news of the decade was delivered down the phone from Sydney barely three hours after I’d gone to bed following one of the most ill-advised Sunday night knees-ups known to journalism.