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  1. 17 de jun. de 2024 · Las lantanas son plantas de flores coloridas y fuertes que crecen mejor en climas cálidos y soleados. Es importante saber cómo podarlas correctamente para asegurar un crecimiento saludable y mantenerlas en buena forma.

  2. 12 de jun. de 2024 · Cómo y cuándo plantar Lantana Camara. Brillante, amante al sol y productora en abundancia sus flores, la planta de Lantana Camara engalana cualquier paisaje con sus porciones de colores. Poco a poco se ha introducido en muchas partes del mundo como una planta ornamental de áreas tropicales y subtropicales.

  3. 17 de jun. de 2024 · Lantanas are tiny, star-looking tubular flowers that grow as flower clusters in bright, fluorescent colors mixed in the cluster, creating a bicolored effect. The leaves have a sandpaper-like texture. Lantanas have a strong, not-terribly-pleasant citrusy smell and are considered fragrant.

  4. 21 de jun. de 2024 · Where to Plant Lantana. The planting location should receive full sun and have well-draining, slightly acidic soil. Plant lantana in any sun-baked spot in your yard where you want a splash of color—in front of a wall, around rocks, near a pool, patio, or a walkway. Lantana is also perfect for planters and window boxes.

  5. 11 de jun. de 2024 · A University of Florida scientist has sequenced the genome of one representative type of lantana, research that will help other plant breeders develop sterile varieties and help researchers control the plant from spreading.

  6. 21 de jun. de 2024 · You don't have to choose a pure-orange bloom to get impact—there are orange and white flowers, orange and yellow flowers, and other punchy pairings. You can also plant orange flowers near blooms of opposing colors. Combining orange and blue flowers can be particularly stunning .

  7. Hace 5 días · Two new lantana varieties for us this summer are ‘Bandana Red’ (the truest red we have found so far) and ‘Bandana Cherry’ (a magenta red). ‘Bandana Red’. Technically, the blooms change colors as they age. ‘Bandana Red’ opens with a deep chocolaty-red that matures to the true red that we like.

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