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  1. Hace 1 día · Tu Padre, aquel que ayer te castigó, te ama; aquel de quien tan a menudo te olvidas, y a quien ofendes constantemente, aún te ama. Tú sabes lo que es amar. Traduce al amor que sientes por tu amigo más querido, míralo y di: «Dios me ama de manera todavía mejor». Él llevó tus pecados, tus penas, tu muerte, tu tumba, para que tú ...

  2. 16 de sept. de 2024 · Jesus’ interactions with children in the Gospels reveal His deep love and tenderness toward them. We see Him consistently welcoming children, blessing them, and using them as examples of faith for His disciples to emulate.

  3. Hace 1 día · The song Jesus Loves the Little Children by Clare H. Woolston underscores an important truth, as does Scripture (Mark 10:13-16): God loves His little ones. But His compassion does not stop there—He loves every person and proves it by the passion and death He willingly endured to redeem us (John 3:14-18). The proof of His […]

  4. 9 de sept. de 2024 · Agape love is a Greek term for one of the four types of love in the Bible. Jesus demonstrated agape and commanded his followers to do likewise.

  5. 11 de sept. de 2024 · Jesus showed love and respect for children by welcoming them and highlighting their significance in the Kingdom of God, which serves as a model for us as parents (Mark 10:13-16). Ultimately, the Bible teaches us that parents and children are both deserving of honor, love, and respect.

  6. 3 de sept. de 2024 · Jesus taught his disciples to love one another as he loved them, which meant loving unconditionally and putting love into action. This kind of love goes beyond mere words or feelings; it requires tangible acts of kindness, sacrifice, and forgiveness.

  7. 5 de sept. de 2024 · Bible verses about Jesuslove. How often do you acknowledge the second person of the Trinity in prayer? God the Son Jesus Christ became the propitiation for our sins. He redeemed us with His own blood and He is worthy of our entire selves. Throughout the Old and New Testament there are so many passages that point to the love of Jesus.