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  1. Ash's death was not as much of a shock as so many seem to think; all a reader or watcher had to do was remember a particularly important conversation between him and Eiji. He straight up told Eiji that he didn't necessarily want to die, but if it happened, he wouldn't fight it.

  2. Besides, the official site of Banana Fish (Anime Ver.) has also confirmed that he's alive The link: THANKS TO THE GOD/GODDESS WHO CURED MY DEPRESSION!

  3. 12 de jun. de 2024 · Ash rebela durante una charla con Eiji, que llegó a gustarle mucho una chica en su adolescencia pero, alguien se encargó de asesinarla luego de sospechar que era su novia. Por ende, a diestra y siniestra, el mundo de Ash ha estado dictado por asesinos y violadores.

  4. 11 de jun. de 2024 · Ash snapped and killed his abuser with a gun, leading the community to find out what he was doing but Ash still ran away and became a sex worker, often forced into sex work. His father still believes that Ash seduced the man and calls him many colorful words over it.

  5. Eiji would be the first to die. 😂 Or Eiji would have been killed by Shorter because he is some random kid he knew for a few days and he had a gang and Ash to worry about. Yut Lung would mess up with his plan to annihilate his brothers.

  6. Hace 5 días · Ash retaliates by shooting him down and manages to make it into the library. The final scene ends with Ash reading Eiji's letter as he slowly bleeds to death. This death was shocking as many viewers had hope that Ash's life would turn around for the better.

  7. Hace 5 días · Banana Fish 's ending will tear you heart out and rip it to pieces. Although the series never explicitly states that Ash and Eiji are romantically involved, it's quite clear that their love goes beyond just friendship.