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  1. Hace 2 días · In June, the Ottoman loyalist Jazzar Pasha took over Beirut from local Druze sheikhs. The Druze had previously been in conflict with Zahir, but due to Jazzar's offensive, the circumstances fostered an alliance between them, Zahir, and the Metawali clans.

  2. 18 de ago. de 2024 · Set in the heart of Akko‘s old city, behind Al-Jazzar Mosque and next to the ‘Knights’ Halls, ‘‘Hammam al- Basha’ is a classic Turkish-style bathhouse. Built by Akko’s governor, Al-Jazzar Pasha, it operated continuously from 1804 to 1947.

  3. Hace 2 días · However, his repeated assaults on Acre were driven back by Ottoman and British forces under the command of Jezzar Pasha and Sir Sidney Smith. By May, with plague rampant in his army and no sign of success against the city, Napoleon was forced to retreat into Egypt.

  4. › wiki › SafedSafed - Wikipedia

    Hace 3 días · Following Abdullah Pasha of Acre's ordered killing of his Jewish vizier Haim Farhi, who served the same post under Jazzar and Sulayman, the governor imprisoned the Jewish residents of Safed on 12 August 1820, accusing them of tax evasion under the concealment of Farhi; they were released upon paying a ransom.

  5. Hace 1 día · شاهد واستمع، بث حي لقناة الجزيرة بالصوت و الصورة، ومشاهدة البرامج المسجلة وتقارير المراسلين.

  6. 4 de sept. de 2024 · The Pasha, an influential leader and controversial personality, handled a complicated political terrain characterized by colonial control, opposition, and modernity. His legacy is still debated, reflecting the more significant issues of Morocco’s transition to independence and nationhood.

  7. › wiki › IżraelIżrael - Wikipedija

    Fl-1799, il-Gvernatur Jazzar Pasha reġġa' attakk fuq Acre mit-truppi ta' Napuljun, u wassal lill-Franċiżi jabbandunaw il-kampanja tas-Sirja. Fl-1834, rewwixta mill-bdiewa Għarab Palestinjani kontra l-konskrizzjoni Eġizzjana u l-politika tat-taxxa ta' Muhammad Ali ġiet imrażżna; L-armata ta' Muhammad Ali rtirat u l-gvern Ottoman ġie stabbilit mill-ġdid bl-appoġġ Brittaniku fl-1840.