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  1. The main advantage I see in Cross Hatch is the support it can provide to top surfaces. With the various types of cubic, you'd have to use a much higher infill % to get the same grid density as Cross Hatch or Gyroid.

  2. For those unaware (since I've seen very little discussion on this addition) Bambu Studio's last Public Beta release, 1.9.1, added the Cross Hatch infill type, claiming it to be faster than gyroid with a higher grid size/density than Grid infill.

  3. 30 de abr. de 2024 · El proyecto CHAVIMOCHIC es un pilar clave en el desarrollo económico del norte de Perú y completa la presa de Palo Redondo, que capturará agua del río Santa para regar los valles de Chao, Virú, Moche y Chicama, así como para generar energía hidroeléctrica.

  4. Hace 2 días · Cross Hatch #2.2 - Boo. This is the second installment of creating a cross hatch portrait of Boo. After the first 25 minutes of drawing Boo, it's time to move on with a condensed video of...

  5. 10 de may. de 2024 · You can use the “Object” method of the area command to find the area of these kinds of regions which I have explained in the next method. For now, let’s find the area of Room D as shown in the following image using the hatch command. Start the hatch command from the Draw panel of the Home tab or use its command HATCH.

  6. If the hatch curves, try to mimic the angle of the curve for the cross. Also try to keep larger lines as straight as possible, or they end up looking messy. Take your time and practice, I personally find crosshatching to be the hardest way to shade.

  7. Hace 9 horas · Part 3 of my cross hatching drawing of Boo. The speeded up section is about an hour & a half's worth of sketching condensed.Music by @AShamaluevMusic

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