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  1. Hace 6 días · See vintage photos of the Hindenburg's cabins, dining room, lounge, and smoking room. Learn about the design, features, and history of the German Zeppelin airship that made transatlantic flights in the 1930s.

  2. 24 de ago. de 2024 · Zeppelin Hindenburg offered a luxurious flying experience with heating and segregated passenger areas. The passenger accommodation included cabins, dining room, lounge, smoking room, bar, and writing rooms. Hindenburg had a smoking room and bar, with cabins that resembled modern train compartments.

  3. Hace 1 día · Vale una aclaración: Hindenburg siente un especial aprecio por el caudillo radical que nunca declaró la guerra a su país, Alemania. Irigoyen no pierde tiempo y envía al general Severo Toranzo, inspector general del Ejército Argentino, junto a su hijo, el teniente Carlos Severo Toranzo Montero.

  4. › wiki › AirshipAirship - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · The Hindenburg completed a successful 1936 season, carrying passengers between Lakehurst, New Jersey and Germany. The year 1937 started with the most spectacular and widely remembered airship accident. Approaching the Lakehurst mooring mast minutes before landing on 6 May 1937, the Hindenburg suddenly burst into flames and crashed to ...

  5. Hace 4 días · To break the stalemate, Hindenburg proposed Hitler as chancellor, Papen as vice-chancellor and Reich commissioner of Prussia, and Göring as Prussian interior minister (who controlled the police). Two other cabinet ministers would be Nazis; the remaining eight would be from other parties.

  6. Hace 3 días · Quizás el acto más significativo de toda la Resistencia interior ocurrió en Düsseldorf casi al final de la guerra, en abril de 1945. La ciudad estaba sitiada por los americanos y un grupo de disidentes liderado por un abogado , con la complicidad de la policía local, consiguió dirigirse hasta las líneas americanas para ofrecerles la rendición y evitar así el bombardeo.

  7. 30 de ago. de 2024 · Airship, a self-propelled lighter-than-air craft. Three main types of airships, or dirigibles (from French diriger, “to steer”), have been built: nonrigids (blimps), semirigids, and rigids.