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  1. 7 de oct. de 2024 · Frege’s solution to the puzzle involves a tripartite distinction between a linguistic expression, its meaning, or sense (Sinn), and its referent (Bedeutung). The meaning of an expression, according to Frege, is what one can be said to grasp when one understands it and what the expression shares with its translations into other ...

  2. 7 de oct. de 2024 · If the description is treated as a Fregean singular term, however, then it is not clear what sense it could have, since sense, according to Frege, is the mode of presentation of a referent. Russell’s brilliant solution is to see such descriptions as in effect quantificational.

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    Hace 5 días · It examines what meaning is, how words get their meaning, and how the meaning of a complex expression depends on its parts. Part of this process involves the distinction between sense and reference. Sense is given by the ideas and concepts associated with an expression while reference is the object to which an expression points.

  4. 26 de sept. de 2024 · The exploration of noun phrases and their Senses will be addressed in Frege's earlier work, 'On Sense and Reference.' The assertion of a Thought is central to Frege's philosophy, emphasizing the objective nature of meaning.

  5. 7 de oct. de 2024 · Sense and reference: the origins and development of the distinction.” In: The Cambridge Companion to Frege. Edited by Michael Potter & Tom Ricketts, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 220 – 292.

  6. 4 de oct. de 2024 · Gottlob Frege introduced the sense-reference distinction in his 1892 paper “Über Sinn und Bedeutung” (“On Sense and Reference”), where he explored the nature of meaning and its role in language.

  7. Hace 5 días · Frege's paper "On Sense and Reference" (1892) is seminal, containing Frege's puzzles and providing a mediated reference theory. His paper " The Thought: A Logical Inquiry " (1918) reflects both his anti-idealism or anti-psychologism and his interest in language.