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  1. Hace 6 días · Buster Keaton (born October 4, 1895, Piqua, Kansas, U.S.—died February 1, 1966, Woodland Hills, California) was an American film comedian and director, the “Great Stone Face” of the silent screen, known for his deadpan expression and his imaginative and often elaborate visual comedy.

  2. Hace 6 días · Entre su ingente legado se encuentra ‘El moderno Sherlock Holmes’. Aunque data de 1924, con la Comique ya en el olvido, se trata de una película que todavía se encuentra bajo la órbita de Schenck, ya que éste tiene su particular influencia como coproductor.

  3. Hace 4 días · One week follows a newly wed couple who receive a flat-packed house and a small plot of land. They begin working on the house, but it quickly goes wrong. Everything is, well, higgledy-piggledy. The windows are wonky, the sink is outside, the room is on the wrong way. It’s not going well. The couple’s next idea is to bring a piano in, which they do using a pulley connected to the chandelier.

  4. 20 de jun. de 2024 · ‘El herrero’ y otros cortos hechos por Buster Keaton –rodó una treintena en apenas una década, alternando este formato con los largometrajes– tienen la virtud de sacar al cómico de su rol de personaje simplón.

  5. Hace 3 días · One week is a silent short film which is about a newly married couple trying to build their house. The film is a comedy and starts with a married couple leaving their wedding. They get into a car but the driver is a man who previously got rejected by the woman. They start to drive away but the couple try to escape him multiple times before successfully getting to their plot of land. While they ...

  6. 10 de jun. de 2024 · Herbert Feinstein chats with Buster Keaton, one of the biggest stars of the silent-movie years. Keaton reveals the origins of his nickname, 'Buster', and reviews his career to date.

  7. Hace 2 días · El presente corto narra la historia de dos vecinos enamorados, interpretados por Buster Keaton y Virgina Fox, cuyas familias no quieren que mantengan una relación. Ambas están enfrentadas entre sí y sólo una delgada valla, a través de la cual la pareja se declara su amor, separan sus casas.