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  1. Last of a series of videos about Dr. Gao Yaojie, China's respected AIDS fighter who has won numerous awards, including the recent Vital Voices award, invited...

  2. Gao Yaojie 高耀潔. By: ChineseCenter. San Francisco Public Library. Staff-created list. 本名高明魁,字耀潔,漢族,山東曹縣人,1954年畢業於河南大學醫學院,河南中醫學院退休教授,婦科腫瘤專家,河南省第七屆人民代表大會代表,河南省文史研究館研究員,九三學社成員,艾滋病防治活動家。 她因揭發90年代中國河南賣血和「血漿經濟」導致艾滋病(愛滋病)蔓延,而被譽為「中國民間防艾滋病第一人」被稱為「中國防艾第一人」、「民間防艾第一人」。 2009年8月,高耀潔以訪問學者身份定居紐約。 2023年12月10日病逝於紐約,享年95歲。 8 items.

  3. Today, we, the relatives of some of the victims, gather in Beijing to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the June 4th massacre. Looking at the photos of our loved ones, a mix of sorrow and anger fills our hearts, and the pain surges within us.

  4. Gao Yaojie, Chinese doctor and Aids activist, 1927-2023 The gynaecologist fought for victims of the HIV epidemic spurred by Henan province’s rapacious ‘blood economy’ Save

  5. This page lists the head-to-head record of Chase Ferguson vs Yaojie Zeng including biggest victories and defeats between the two sides, and H2H stats in all competitions. You are on page where you can compare teams Chase Ferguson and Yaojie Zeng before start the match.

  6. People were tears flow at Gao Yaojie memorial ceremony; Human Trafficking’s Newest Abuse: Forcing Victims Into Cyberscamming; UN General Assembly holds 2023 debate, WRIC demonstration expresses demands; Yiwu Liao: We waited for news of her death; The Scientist Who Foresaw China’s Stagnation

  7. Artist/Sculptor Founder of Liberty Sculpture Park. Formerly the 2014 Honoree of Visual Artists Guild’s Spirit of Tiananmen Awardee, Chen Weiming has built the Park with massive sculptures commemorating the victims of Tiananmen and the struggle for human rights and democracy in China and Hong Kong. Guest Speaker.