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  1. Se refiere al último representante en línea masculina de la Casa de Cerdic, también llamada Casa de Wessex, que suele ser apodado el monarca perdido de Inglaterra porque, pese a haber sido elegido para el trono, nunca fue coronado, y se desconocen tanto la fecha exacta de su muerte como el lugar donde fue enterrado: Edgar Atheling, el rey ...

  2. He refers to the last male representative of the House of Cerdic, also called the House of Wessex, who is often nicknamed the lost monarch of England because, despite being chosen for the throne, he was never crowned, and both the exact date of his death and the place where he was buried are unknown: Edgar Atheling, the king who could never reign.

  3. Hace 4 días · Edgar (born 943/944—died July 8, 975) was the king of the Mercians and Northumbrians from 957 who became king of the West Saxons, or Wessex, in 959 and is reckoned as king of all England from that year. He was efficient and tolerant of local customs, and his reign was peaceful.

  4. Hace 5 días · He left one son, Edgar, surnamed Atheling. Earl Harold's ambition and hopes were revived by prince Edward's death; his son, indeed, inherited all his rights, but he was then so young, that it was no hard matter to supplant him, and he might possibly die before the king.

  5. Edgar Atheling, the Lost King of England Who Was Born in Hungary and Joined the First Crusade

  6. Hace 1 día · In 967 Edgar, grandson of Edward the Elder, reconstituted the abbey, dedicating it to the honour of St. Mary and St. Elfleda, and placed there nuns under the Benedictine rule over whom he appointed Merwenna as abbess. In this reconstitution Bishop Ethelwold (96384) took a considerable part.

  7. Hace 6 días · We learn from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle that after the battle of Hastings and the death of Harold, Archbishop Aldred and the people of London chose Edgar Atheling as their king, so William marched from Hastings, crossing the Thames at Wallingford, laying the country waste as he went, till he came to Berkhampstead.