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  1. Hace 1 día · Although Turing tragically died at the hands of post-war society, The Imitation Game treats the mathematical genius with immense kindness as it celebrates his extraordinary achievements that ...

  2. Hace 3 días · Based on the real life story of legendary cryptanalyst Alan Turing, the film portrays the nail-biting race against time by Turing and his brilliant team of code-breakers at Britain's top-secret Government Code and Cypher School at Bletchley Park, during the darkest days of World War II.

  3. 17 de jun. de 2024 · Pero un hombre llamado Alan Turing, nacido el 23 de junio de 1912, lograría lo inimaginable: este genio británico de la lógica y de las matemáticas se convertiría en un héroe que salvaría millones de vidas al lograr descifrar el código para desencriptar los mensajes enviados por los nazis.

  4. Hace 4 días · Desxifrant l'Enigma - 1951, Manchester. Un vecino alerta del robo en una casa. Cuando la policía acude a la vivienda, su propietario, el matemático Alan Turing, afirma que no le han robado nada. Su negativa a colaborar en la investigación pone en alerta al servicio secreto.

  5. › wiki › Alan_TuringAlan Turing - Wikipedia

    Hace 4 días · At the British premiere of a film based on Turing's life, The Imitation Game, the producers thanked Leech for bringing the topic to public attention and securing Turing's pardon.

  6. 19 de jun. de 2024 · Alan Turing was a British mathematician and logician, a major contributor to mathematics, cryptanalysis, computer science, and artificial intelligence. He invented the universal Turing machine, an abstract computing machine that encapsulates the fundamental logical principles of the digital computer.

  7. 7 de jun. de 2024 · This movie tells the story of Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician from the mid-1900s. The movie focuses on two main parts of his life. First, during World War II, Turing led the team at Bletchley Park that cracked the code of the Nazi’s Enigma machine.