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  1. Bruiser graves is good. Go fleet with legends bloodline and go shieldbow into black cleaver into phantom dancer. That is the most bruiser you can go with him other bruiser builds suck and don’t really work. Stridebreaker was good on Graves when it was busted in general (90% slow last patch) Short "manly" man.

  2. 28 de abr. de 2024 · Currently in Patch 14.8, Graves is not in a great spot. Many nerfs to the Jungle role and Mr. Malcom himself, he can't keep up with stronger picks in the game right now. With how little gold Jungle recieves, we need to adapt to a cheaper build and provide more utility than damage, so we are returning to Lethality. Umbral Glaive is a good cheap option that gives us a strong power spike, when ...

  3. No dshield required but can take if you dont like akali. Vladimir. Extreme. ff 15, vlad destroys you in everyway. Armor is worthless, he out sustains and becomes invulnerable. Just farm and play for objs/team. 13.17 Bruiser Graves Top. Graves build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Graves Strategy Builds and Tools.

  4. Ganking: Average - Graves has mobility and damage, but no hard CC to prevent the enemies from running and can only rely on a small slow from Smokescreen. Dueling: Strong - Tankiness from E, kite potential due to ranged advantage, high dps, and Smoke Screen make Graves one of the best duelists in the game. Farming: Strong - Farm speed is at the 5 Camp Level which puts Graves in the second ...

  5. 14 de sept. de 2023 · Bruiser Graves Jungle Guide Season 13 TRIFORCE Build! If you learnt something in this video but want to push your learning further & achieve your dream goals...

  6. I think Crit Graves was made much worse after his crit scaling nerf that made IE much worse on him. Now the crit builds don't feel as strong late game as they use to. This build is nice because in late game you have high AD thanks to all the bruiser items gaining AD (gore,maw,bc), and now you can't be one shot by a Qiyana or Akali which feels ...

  7. 23 de jun. de 2021 · BRUISER when you build as a bruiser graves acts a front to back threat. stay with your ADC and kite back, killing their front line. Your black cleaver will help your ADC do even more damage and your inate tankiness should let you survive.