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  1. Zone de remontée d'eau froide dans le monde (en rouge) Une remontée d'eau [1], en anglais upwelling, est un phénomène océanographique qui se réfère au mouvement vertical ascendant d'eaux profondes vers la surface des océans. Il se produit lorsque de forts vents marins poussent l'eau de surface des océans, laissant ainsi un vide où peuvent remonter les eaux de fond et avec elles une ...

  2. This creates a divergence zone, and a region of upwelling and high productivity (Figure 9.5.1). Figure 9.5.1 Equatorial upwelling and increased productivity as a result of divergence between the north and south equatorial currents (Modified by PW from image by NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).

  3. › wiki › UpwellingUpwelling - Wikipedia

    Upwelling. Nell' emisfero settentrionale i venti paralleli alla costa (come in California dove soffiano verso Sud) per effetto Ekman possono produrre una risalita delle acque profonde. L' upwelling, o risalita delle acque profonde, è un fenomeno oceanografico che coinvolge il movimento, provocato dal vento, di grandi masse di acqua fredda ...

  4. Upwelling is the vertical movement of cold, nutrient-rich water from deep water to the surface, resulting in high productivity (plankton growth). • Can bring cold, nutrient-rich water to the surface (photic zone) unless thermocline is strong and prevents it. • Nutrients are not food but act like a fertilizer. • Upwelling water rich in ...

  5. Explications. L'upwelling côtier est le plus connu et le plus lié aux activités humaines car il donne naissance aux zones de pêche les plus productives. Les eaux profondes sont riches en nutriments qui comprennent les nitrates et les phosphates, qui sont le produit de la décomposition de la matière organique coulée des eaux de surface.Lorsqu'ils sont amenés à la surface, ces ...

  6. Indian Ocean - Upwelling, Climate, Marine Life: Upwelling is a seasonal phenomenon in the Indian Ocean because of the monsoon regime. During the southwest monsoon, upwelling occurs off the Somali and Arabian coasts and south of Java. It is most intense between 5° and 11° N, with replacement of warmer surface water by water of about 57 °F (14 °C).

  7. Upwelling: An oceanographic process where sub-surface water is transported or mixed vertically toward the surface. Upwelling systems usually refer to locations or regions where cool high-nutrient water from the thermocline or below is lifted into the surface layer or euphotic zone, stimulating enhanced biological productivity.