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  1. 蘑菇岛(Mushroom Fields)是一种非常稀有的生物群系,并且是游戏中最稀有的生物群系,通常以单一岛屿的形式出现,极少会与陆地连接。岛屿通常被深海所围绕。 蘑菇岛生物群系由平坦的地形和陡峭的山丘组成,表面覆盖的是菌丝体而不是草方块,这是生存模式下菌丝体的唯一来源。大量的棕色和 ...

  2. Hace 2 días · Mushroom Fields. Mushroom fields, commonly referred to as mushroom islands, are rare biomes which almost always generate as islands surrounded by deep oceans. They are the only place in the game where mycelium and mooshrooms are found, and have the special property that no hostile mobs normally spawn in them.

  3. キノコ島(英:Mushroom Fields)は、このゲームの中では最も珍しい非変種バイオームである。キノコ島は常に深海に囲まれた孤島として生成される。また、島同士が接近していることもあり、その結果、数百ブロックの間に複数のキノコ島が形成されることもある。 キノコ島は、パラメータ ...

  4. 蘑菇岛 (Mushroom Fields) 以下部分内容引用自 Minecraft 中文 WIKI 。. 这是一种原版中十分稀有的地形,通常较多生成于海上。. 蘑菇岛由 菌丝 与巨型蘑菇组成,没有树木, 哞菇 会在蘑菇岛生物群系上生成。. 它是可以自然出现 巨型蘑菇 的两个生物群系之一,另一处 ...

  5. A mushroom field (formerly known as a mushroom island) is one of the rarest non-variant biomes in Minecraft. Mushroom fields are typically separated from all other biomes by a wide expanse of ocean. They are typically small in size, but a larger field may occasionally be encountered. The surface of a mushroom field is usually completely covered in mycelium. Mycelium is only obtainable by using ...

  6. The Mushroom Field is one of the five starting fields a new player can go to. It is the first red field accessible to players in the game. The field is protected by a level 1 ladybug. This is a 32x23 field made up of 736 flowers. The flowers are red and white, in sizes of single and double. Note: The flowers in fields are randomly generated, so the flower counts above may not be 100% accurate ...

  7. The mushroom fields biome often generate in high X or Z coordinates. This means that it is most likely located very far from your original spawn point. You may view your coordinates by pressing F3 for PC users or F3 + FN for Mac users. This will show you your coodinates as well as other useful information.

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