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  1. 19 de oct. de 2023 · New research suggests that the way chameleons change color is very different from what scientists had assumed. Join filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer Jason Jaacks as he explains how the color change is actually controlled by nanocrystals in a top layer of the lizards' skin.

  2. Zusammenfassung: Chamäleons sind wahre Meister der Spezialeffekte. Mit ihrer wechselnden Hautfarbe können sie sich perfekt an ihre Umgebung anpassen und sich so vor Feinden schützen. Forscher fanden nun heraus, dass dieser Trick noch einem anderen Zweck dient: der Kommunikation. Und nun zu den Oscars für die besten Spezialeffekte der Tierwelt.

  3. 1 de feb. de 2021 · This so-called nano-chameleon is about the size of a sunflower seed, fits on the tip of a finger, and may be the smallest reptile on Earth. Officially known as Brookesia nana, or B. nana for short ...

  4. 7 de ago. de 2015 · Chameleon Colors Reflect Their Emotions. When light hits a chameleon's skin, the cells appear different colors depending on the mood of the animal. See the full article in National Geographic ...

  5. This story appears in the September 2015 issue of National Geographic magazine. For sheer breadth of freakish anatomical features, the chameleon has few rivals. A tongue far longer than its body ...

  6. Publicidad y contenido personalizados, medición de publicidad y contenido, investigación de audiencia y desarrollo de servicios . Lista de asociados (proveedores) Un camaleón Brookesia nana hembra en Madagascar. Es probable que la especie sea el reptil más pequeño del planeta.

  7. We’ve enjoyed quite a few chameleon videos, but this National Geographic video is not only full of fascinating information, it’s visually stunning. From how they shoot their tongues like arrows to catch bugs, to how they mimic leaf movement in the wind, to how they use their colors to communicate, it’s absolutely true that Chameleons Are Amazing.