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  1. Nora Barnacle (Galway, 21 marzo 1884 – Zurigo, 10 aprile 1951) è stata l'amante, la compagna e infine la moglie dello scrittore James Joyce. Biografia Infanzia e giovinezza. Nata in una fabbrica di Galway, in Irlanda, nel 1884, da Annie Honoria Healy, 28enne lavorante ...

  2. Nora Barnacle als junges Mädchen. Nora wurde als Tochter des Bäckers Thomas Barnacle und dessen Ehefrau Annie Honoraria, geb. Healy, im Galway City Workhouse, einem städtischen Krankenhaus, geboren. Ihr genaues Geburtsdatum steht nicht fest, da die standesamtliche und kirchliche Eintragung voneinander abweichen.

  3. But Nora did not turn up, so Joyce left her a note at the rooming house where she worked, Finn's Hotel, and he met again on the sixteenth of June, the date on which Ulysses is set. And later, James Joyce would tell his lifetime companion, “You made me a man.” Joyce and Nora Barnacle left Ireland together in 1904.

  4. Nora Barnacle, née le 21 mars 1884 à Galway et morte le 10 avril 1951 à Zurich, est une écrivaine irlandaise.. Elle fut la muse et l'épouse de l'auteur irlandais James Joyce.. Biographie. Nora Barnacle naît à Galway le 21 mars 1884 et y est baptisée. Son père, Thomas Barnacle, un boulanger du Connemara, est un homme analphabète qui a 38 ans lorsqu'elle est née.

  5. Barnacle (Joyce), Nora. Barnacle (Joyce), Nora (1884–1951), was born 21/2 March 1884 in the maternity ward of Galway city workhouse (which then served as general hospital for Galway), second daughter (and child) of Thomas Barnacle, baker, and Annie Barnacle (née Healy), seamstress and dressmaker. After the birth of a third child (1886), her ...

  6. Dubliner James Joyce gained international fame with the publication of his novel Ulysses in 1922. Joyce enjoyed a lifelong partnership with Nora Barnacle—an earthy, pragmatic Galway woman with ...

  7. 2 de feb. de 2016 · As an ardent lover of love letters, I have encountered few exemplars of the genre more piercing than those penned by James Joyce (February 2, 1882–January 13, 1941).. In 1904, just after his first major essay was rejected from publication, 22-year-old Joyce met Nora Barnacle — a young chambermaid he described as “a simple honorable soul,” one “incapable of any of the deceits which ...