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  1. 弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon,1561年1月22日—1626年4月9日),第一代圣阿尔本子爵(1st Viscount St Alban),英国文艺复兴时期散文家、哲学家。英国唯物主义哲学家,实验科学的创始人,是近代归纳法的创始人,又是给科学研究程序进行逻辑组织化的先驱。主要著作有《新工具》《论科学的增进》以及 ...

  2. Francis Bacon nace en el seno de una familia irlandesa. Su padre, estricto militar, lo expulsó con 16 años del hogar al conocer su homosexualidad y Bacon se alojó varios meses en Alemania, donde gozaría de los alegres años 20 berlineses. Entre París y Berlín descubrió la vida y el arte. Fueron Poussin y su «Matanza de los inocentes ...

  3. The aim of this website is to provide an ever-expanding fund of information on Francis Bacon’s art and life. As of November 2017, this website now contains reference images and information on all 584 numbered works published in Francis Bacon: Catalogue Raisonné, 2016, including the exhibition history of each painting.The paintings can be viewed by decade or freely searched.

  4. Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. Focusing on the human form, his subjects included crucifixions, portraits of popes, self-portraits, and portraits of close friends, with abstracted figures sometimes isolated in geometrical structures.

  5. 29 de dic. de 2003 · Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon (1561–1626) was one of the leading figures in natural philosophy and in the field of scientific methodology in the period of transition from the Renaissance to the early modern era. As a lawyer, member of Parliament, and Queen's Counsel, Bacon wrote on questions of law, state and religion, as well as on ...

  6. Ritratto di Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon, latinizzato in Franciscus Baco ( nus) e italianizzato in Francesco Bacone ( Londra, 22 gennaio 1561 – Londra, 9 aprile 1626 ), è stato un filosofo, politico, giurista e saggista inglese vissuto alla corte inglese. Fu Procuratore generale e Lord cancelliere sotto il regno di Giacomo I Stuart .

  7. Francis Bacon, né le 28 octobre 1909 à Dublin et mort le 28 avril 1992 à Madrid, est un peintre britannique [1] réputé pour ses triptyques dont l'un est le plus cher du monde, Trois études de Lucian Freud.. Peintre de la violence, de la cruauté et de la tragédie, son esprit est hanté, selon ses dires, par le vers d'Eschyle « l'odeur du sang humain ne me quitte pas des yeux » [2].

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